Agape is always looking for people to provide home cooked meals for the women each Monday of the month, for more information about this contact Janet Gutwein at [email protected].
Paramount participates in Kroger’s Community Rewards program; therefore, if you are a Kroger customer and enroll in the program the school benefits. To get started, sign up with your Plus Card and select Paramount Schools of Excellence as the organization you wish to support. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for Paramount every time you…
Paramount Schools of Excellence can benefit from every purchase you make at! Next time you make a purchase, visit and key Paramount Schools of Excellence. Once you are logged in to your account, 0.5 percent of your purchases will benefit Paramount students.
We always need new volunteers to support and expand the reach of our mentoring programs. If you’re interested in becoming a mentor or volunteering with any of our programs or program committees, please complete the interest form below.