Neighbors! Help us support our local businesses by checking out our friends over at ARC Fitness. For all residents of Bates-Hendricks, you can receive 10% off their services!
Neighbors! Help us support our local businesses by checking out our friends over at ARC Fitness. For all residents of Bates-Hendricks, you can receive 10% off their services!
Neighbors! Help us support our local businesses by checking out our friends over at ARC Fitness. For all residents of Bates-Hendricks, you can receive 10% off their services!
Paramount participates in Kroger’s Community Rewards program; therefore, if you are a Kroger customer and enroll in the program the school benefits. To get started, sign up with your Plus Card and select Paramount Schools of Excellence as the organization you wish to support. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for Paramount every time you…
Paramount Schools of Excellence can benefit from every purchase you make at! Next time you make a purchase, visit and key Paramount Schools of Excellence. Once you are logged in to your account, 0.5 percent of your purchases will benefit Paramount students.
Volunteers are needed to help with the following at the Center: Sanitizing Bagging Food Food Pantry/Food Delivery Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00. Call 317-293-2600 to sign up to volunteer or visit our website