1475 W 86th St Ste. E, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Usa
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Our missionAssistance League of Indianapolis is a nonprofit all volunteer organization committed to serving the needs of children and adults through ongoing philanthropic programs developed and managed by its members.

Assistance League of Indianapolis

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How you helpAs a member-volunteer association our members are the strength of our organization. For the year beginning June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, members devoted 24,933 charitable hours, which if paid by an employer would calculate to $642,773.* The Assistance League of Indianapolis 2019-20 fiscal year expense budget is $532,942.
About usAssistance League of Indianapolis strives to be a locally recognized philanthropic leader, engaging volunteers from a diverse membership to aid, each year, an ever-increasing number of underserved children and adults.
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