HVAF’s pantry is available to any veteran in need of emergency food, gently used clothing, and other personal items, including:
Non Perishable Foods: Canned Meat, Canned Fruit and Soups, Pasta and Pasta Sauce, Peanut Butter and Jelly
Towels, Pillows, Wash Cloths
Men’s Long Johns, Men’s Boxers and Briefs, Men’s and Women’s Shaving Cream, Men’s and Women’s Deodorant, Men’s and Women’s Shampoo & Conditioner, Feminine Products, Lotion.
Please Âcontact HVAF at 317-951-0688 if you would like to donate an item on this list or if you would like to make a financial donation towards a specific item on this list. HVAF can also pick up larger items at your doorstep. If you choose to drop off your items, please call in advance.