Dove Recovery House for Women

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Dove Recovery House for Women

3351 N Meridian St #110, Indianapolis, IN 46208
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Our mission

Dove Recovery House is committed to empowering women to become substance free, self-sufficient, and healthy, by providing safe housing, quality programming, and—above all—hope for the future.

Items we need

Items from our Amazon Wish List are needed

  • In-Kind Donations
  • Wishlist - Amazon, etc
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How you help

In addition to financial donations and gifts from our Amazon wish list, Dove House is grateful for the gift of time and talent from our volunteers. We need volunteers to lead groups, serve on marketing, development and program committees, and provide support with office and administrative tasks.

About us

Dove Recovery House for Women is Marion County’s largest substance abuse recovery center for women. Since 2000, hundreds of women have made Dove House their home as they seek recovery from substance abuse and addiction. Last year, 73% of our residents successfully completed the program.