Garfield Park Neighbors Association

2345 Pagoda Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46225, Usa
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Our missionThe creation of Garfield Park’s Neighborhood Association has also been an integral part in the rebirth of the neighborhood. From projects like the Southside Quality of Life Plan to the neighborhood-run Farmer’s Market, the dedication and involvement of residents has continued to make Garfield Park stand out as an exciting part of the City to call home.

Garfield Park Neighbors Association

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How you helpYour financial support helps the Garfield Park Neighbors Association fulfill its mission to promote and support the schools, churches, businesses, and historic preservation in the area surrounding Garfield Park, to coordinate the community's response to issues affecting the community (like zoning, code enforcement, and land use issues), and provide a vehicle to define and solve problems common to the community.
About usGarfield Park Neighbors Association is a family-friendly neighborhood located south of Fountain Square with easy access to the Pleasant Run Trail, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, and multiple interstates. The neighborhood is anchored by Garfield Park, Indianapolis’ oldest park, which is a tremendous asset to the area, boasting beautiful European sunken gardens and conservatory, the Garfield Park Arts Center, the Burrello Family and Aquatic Center, the MacAllister Center for the Performing Arts, the historic Pagoda, large wooded tracts, and various recreational amenities. The neighborhood is populated by a healthy mix of long-time residents and young families and features a very active neighborhood association.
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