Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana

435 Limestone St, Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Our mission

We provide a supportive home-away-from-home for families of children receiving medical care at Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health and other area hospitals, and we champion programs that improve the health, education and well-being of children.


Host a Fundraiser

You can be a hero for the House! Start a fundraiser today and help us keep families together. You can start your own fundraiser just by doing what you love to do. Maybe it’s running, or cycling in races. Maybe you want to celebrate your birthday by asking friends and family to donate instead of bringing gifts, or honor the memory of a loved one by donating in their honor.

  • One-time, Occasional
  • Children, Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • Virtual, Physical, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Organize a Third Party Event.

Consider gathering friends, family, and co-workers to organize a third party event. Third-party events can range from bake sales and jeans day to auctions and golf tournaments or other fun events!

  • One-time, Occasional
  • Children, Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults, Child with Adult
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • Virtual, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

Donating your time and talent to the Ronald McDonald House can be a rewarding experience and a real gift to the families staying at the House. Whether you are looking for an ongoing commitment or want to share a special gift or talent on a short-term basis, there is a way for you to make a difference at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana!

About us

Helping a sick child fight their illness takes a big enough emotional toll on a family. Adding a financial strain can make it almost too much to bear. Our two Ronald McDonald Houses provide compassionate hospitality to as many as 5,000 families each year. The Houses offer all of the comforts of home including restful places to sleep, spacious kitchens and dining rooms, play areas, a library, laundry facilities, and more. Volunteers from the community prepare home cooked meals for breakfast and dinner daily in our spacious kitchen and a well-stocked pantry provides staples for guests to prepare their favorite lunch or snack. With support from local McDonald’s owner/operators and community donors, RMHCCIN is also able to offer scholarships to high school seniors facing limited access to educational opportunities.