Domestic Violence Network (DVN)

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Domestic Violence Network (DVN)

9245 N Meridian St #235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
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Our mission

The mission of the Domestic Violence Network is to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.


Join our Advocate's Network

The Domestic Violence Network’s Advocates Network is a group of individuals from social service organizations, law enforcement agencies, judiciaries, prosecutors’ offices, health care institutions, faith-based organizations, and other stakeholders that share a concern about domestic violence in Central Indiana and interact with victims, survivors and/or perpetrators of domestic violence.

The Domestic Violence Network facilitates monthly Advocates Network meetings to provide opportunities for professional development, foster networking and collaboration, and to share community resources. For more information about the Advocates Network, please contact Ash Powell, Training Services Manager, at [email protected].

You can also look at our Advocates Training Schedule.

  • Ongoing
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Other
About us

The Domestic Violence Network (DVN) leads our community in cultural change toward ending domestic violence, once and for all. We work with the public to gather data, deliver better resources, and engage with influencers.