Our mission | Connecting neighborhood partners to help, serve, revitalize, stimulate, and invest resources to rebuild an affordable, safe, and vital community. |
Mapleton Fall Creek Development Corporation
How you help | We need your help to accomplish our bold vision. Join hands with us for neighborhood clean-up and beautification projects, safety initiatives, and administrative work. We welcome individual volunteers as well as student and corporate groups, and we offer community service opportunities. We also invite fundraisers, finance experts, economic developers, urban planners, and community organizers to consider joining our board of directors, we meet every other month or one of our committees, which meets once a month. |
About us | MFCDC is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing Mapleton-Fall Creek’s quality of life by providing safe and affordable housing for its residents, working to stimulate economic opportunities for neighbors, and collaborating with residents, who possess a wide range of skills and gifts and live & work in the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood. |
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