Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY)

1375 W 16th St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, Usa
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Our missionMCCOY’s mission is to champion the positive development of youth through leadership on key issues and support of the youth worker community.

Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY)

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How you helpHave extra time to devote to a proven and efficient non-profit that champions youth development? If so, MCCOY has a spot for you.
About usMCCOY’s Board of Directors is made up of 30 volunteers, including youth members. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, races, ages, and skill levels, each of our board members bring a passion for youth and a desire to make our community a better place in which young people can grow up and develop well. In addition to their commitment of time and talent, each one of MCCOY’s Board Members also makes a financial investment in the work of the organization.
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