Exodus Refugee Immigration

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Exodus Refugee Immigration

2457 E Washington St Suite+a, Indianapolis, IN 46201
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Our mission

Dedicated to the protection of human rights by serving the resettlement needs of refugees and other displaced people fleeing persecution, injustice, and war by welcoming them to Indiana.



Exodus needs volunteers to serve as English tutors for individuals and families in their homes. Schedule based on refugee’s availability. All materials and curriculum are supplied.

  • Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays

Family Mentor

Working with a mentor helps newcomers attain a better grasp of American culture, successfully integrate into their new community, and achieve personal goals. Refugees will identify goals to work towards with their mentors. Goals might include practical skills such as grocery shopping, budgeting, banking, or getting acquainted with modern technology. Time with the individual or family can be spent at their home, at your home, and/or taking them out to experience new things in Indiana. This is a great opportunity for families, as children have a special ability to form cross-cultural friendships.

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Families
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Be a Welcome Team

Perfect for faith organizations, companies, and civic organizations, Welcome Teams partner with Exodus to assist a refugee family with adjusting to life in the U.S. Groups typically work with a family during their first 90 days in the U.S., but may also be placed with a recently arrived family who would benefit from support. Commit to at least 3 Welcome activities, such as meeting the family at the airport, setting up an apartment, providing transportation to appointments, teaching English, providing financial assistance (rent, utilities, school supplies etc.) and more.

  • Occasional
  • 55+, Adults
  • Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Front Desk Coverage

We need your help greeting our refugee clients at our office. Primary responsibilities include answering phones and checking in clients. Expect a fast-paced environment with high traffic times, clients who speak minimal English, and little interpretation help. This is a good opportunity to volunteer individually or with a friend!

  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays

Teach English

The success of resettlement largely depends on a refugee’s access to English instruction. Volunteers will teach English classes weekly for 2.5 hours at Exodus. All materials and curriculum are supplied.

  • Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual
  • Formal
  • Weekdays

No matches for criteria.

How you help

Exodus served 501 individuals in the last fiscal year. We need volunteers to help these individuals learn about the culture and resources in our area, improve their English language skills, provide them with counseling, and help them secure employment.

About us

Exodus has a long history of welcoming refugees and asylees from many countries, cultures, languages, faiths, and political opinions. We began in 1981 with the mission to serve the legal needs of immigrants and Cuban refugees, who had arrived as part of the Mariel boatlift in 1980. Since that time, Exodus has helped thousands of refugees establish their lives in Indiana.In its 36-year history, Exodus has served refugees from more than 33 countries. Our board of directors, staff, and volunteers are passionate about securing the dignity and human rights of people around the globe.