United Way of Central Indiana

Our mission | We partner to design, support and grow systems that accelerate financial stability and upward mobility for individuals and families living in or near poverty and striving for a brighter future. |
Opportunities |
Items we need |
Men’s and women’s underwear in all sizes, Razors, Travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion. For those in our Housing Program: Housing Food Kits (Example: pasta/spaghetti/noodles, pasta sauce, ramen noodles, cans of soup, cans of vegetables, cans of chili, packages of tuna, peanut butter). Cans that do not require a can opener are preferable. Toilet paper and paper towels, Multipurpose cleaner, Clorox wipes, Mop and broom, Laundry detergent, Toilet bowl cleaner and brush, Trash bags and trash can with lid. Household items to help someone get started in their new home: dish sets, pots and pans, can openers, silverware, dish towels, towels, shower curtains, sheet sets (labeled), blankets and pillows, decorative pillows, curtains. New or gently used and without stains. Large sized hygiene items: shampoo/conditioner, body wash, soap, toothpaste, etc. For those in our Family Program: Diapers (sizes will vary) and wipes, Strollers, Gentle used toys, beds, bedding (sizes and needs will vary). Art materials for all ages (construction paper, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, multi-colored pipe cleaners). All donations for Family Program should go through [email protected]: Kitchen, Peanut butter, 1 can of Vienna sausages, 1 cup of diced fruit, 1 package of peanut butter crackers, 1 granola/protein bar, 1 bottled water, Ziplock sandwich bags, Ziplock 1 Gallon bags, Cleaning Supplies (for onsite use), Hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, Bleach, Disposable gloves, Hygiene Items, Travel-size deodorant, Travel-size shampoo and conditioner, Travel-size soap, Twin blade disposable razors, Chapstick, Washcloths, Clothing, White socks for men and women, Men’s khaki pants, black pants, and jeans, Men’s 2X or larger shirts (shirts and sweatshirts) , Men’s long sleeve dress shirts: solid colors, Men’s belts, Women’s pants and blouses, Backpacks, Winter Items, Blankets, Warm winter hats and scarves, Heavy gloves, Thermal socks, Thermal tops and bottoms |
How you help | Our volunteers are as different as the communities we serve– and we have the opportunities to match. Find one that connects your talents with the causes you care about to make a meaningful difference in Central Indiana. |
About us | For more than 100 years, we have strived to help all Central Indiana residents achieve and maintain self-sufficiency by focusing on four key areas of community impact – Education, Income, Health and Basic Needs – in the seven county region of Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan and Putnam counties. We invest in expert research and perform regular community assessments to identify the areas of greatest need and to advance the best solutions to address these needs. Then we work with strategic partners such as businesses, human services agencies, and schools and governmental institutions to ensure your dollars do as much good as possible. Please join us in improving the life and health of our community by volunteering with United Way programs and other meaningful service opportunities; advocating by telling your friends and colleagues about your involvement with United Way; and by giving a gift to support our mission. |