An Update From our Director
Friends of Dayspring Center,
Life at Dayspring Center is changing rapidly as we predicted in my letter from March 19, 2020. Our priority is the safety and protection of the families and staff at the center.
Since “Shelter in Place” went into effect, the families at the center have been confined to their small room, permitted to come out only to use the bathroom, eat a meal, or spend time in the Family Room, one family at a time. Spirits are low and due to the shared spaces at the center, it has become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to enforce the CDC guidelines of social distancing. In addition, many moms and dads work in essential positions and cannot afford to leave their jobs, further heightening the risk of them contracting the virus and putting the other families at the shelter and our staff at risk.
For the safety of our staff, many who are in the high-risk category, and the families and their children, we have made the difficult decision to take the following actions:
- All families residing in the shelter, have been relocated to an extended stay hotel. Each family has their own unit, complete with a kitchen and separate bathroom.
- Meal care packages and grocery gift cards are being provided by Dayspring Center on a weekly basis. Families will continue to be monitored, counseled, and have access to resources while they are temporarily off-site.
We have taken these necessary actions at a significant cost to Dayspring. We are not only absorbing the cost to house the families off-site but also continue to provide them food, hygiene supplies, and transportation for essential travel ONLY. The shelter will continue to be staffed from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. responding to the influx of calls from local families needing help and accepting supply/monetary donations. We continue to explore funding options to help us meet the added expenses. We are deeply grateful to those who continue to support our mission through their monthly contributions and to the kind-hearted people who sent a gift our way because they simply wanted to help. YOU are the reason we are here today to help those in desperate need.
As the families were being moved, one of the moms began to cry when told she and her family were going to their own unit. She said, “Thank you! You guys really do care about us and I’ve never had anyone to show us they care.”
We realize in these most unusual times that your family is foremost on your mind. However, if within your means, please GIVE to help us meet the needs of the families in our care. Donations may be made here or mailed to: Dayspring Center, P.O. Box 44105, Indianapolis, IN 46244.
See our Wishlist for items in greatest need during this crisis.
Thank you for your continued commitment to the families of Dayspring Center. Without you, it would be impossible. We pray you and your family stay safe and healthy through these unprecedented times.
Lori Casson
Executive Director
Dayspring Center, Inc.