Carmel Swim Club

515 E Main St #100, Carmel, IN 46032, Usa
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Our missionThe Carmel Swim Club was established in 1973 with the mission, "teaching excellence through swimming, for life."

Carmel Swim Club

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How you helpCarmel Swim Academy will save lives, and we need your help to make this essential project a reality. Your gift, in any amount, will make the Carmel Swim Academy possible. CSA is actively fundraising to support capital costs for construction and initial operations.
About usThe Carmel Swim Club is taking a big step to more fully live out our mission. To that end, we're constructing a new pool in the heart of Carmel to expand opportunities for community-based programs, the Carmel Swim Academy. CSA will allow us to expand existing programs, such as our free swim lessons and learn-to-swim opportunities for children-- as well as add additional opportunities to engage our community more fully in activities to promote water safety, health, and wellness, such as adaptive and inclusive swim lessons, infant/parent classes, and water-based exercise programs for adults. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children ages 1-4; formal swimming lessons can reduce that risk by 88%. We are excited to harness our expertise in the pool to make Central Indiana safer, and the water more enjoyable, for all. We need your support to help make this project a success.
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