Indianapolis Urban League

777 Indiana Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46202, Usa
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Our missionMobilize the next generation, ages 21-40, to support the Indianapolis Urban League in efforts to assist African Americans, other minorities and disadvantaged individuals to achieve social and economic equality.

Indianapolis Urban League

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About usThe Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) was founded in the fall of 1965 as a non-profit, non-partisan, interracial community-based social service/civil rights organization. The Indianapolis Urban League affiliate employs these five strategies, plus others tailored to local needs, in order to implement the mission of our movement. The Indianapolis Urban League implements its mission through: Providing direct services that help individuals and communities help themselves. “Building Bridges” among the races, collaborating with compatible organizations of all segments of our society. Technical assistance, fact-finding, and information dissemination. Engaging in principled advocacy, community mobilization, social marketing, and communication on behalf of those we serve.
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