MHP Major Health Partners

2451 Intelliplex Dr, Shelbyville, IN 46176, Usa
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Our missionMajor Health Partners exists to create and deliver superior health care solutions by providing our patients and other customers with optimal clinical and economic outcomes.

MHP Major Health Partners

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How you helpVolunteering has its own rewards as well, including new friendships and the satisfaction that comes from knowing that your efforts truly make a positive difference in the quality of life for our community.
About usMajor Health Partners is a leading healthcare provider for patients, not only in Shelby County, Indiana, but also from the southeastern part of the state. Since 1924, Major Health Partners has grown to offer a wide spectrum of services, leading the region in many areas of healthcare delivery. We provide quality care through our unique combination of state-of-the-art technology, modern facilities, and personal service. We give you all of the advantages found at the large urban hospitals, combined with genuine personal service
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