Our mission | Paramount Schools of Excellence exists to inspire learning through an unparalleled academic approach, and to transform communities by changing lives. |
Paramount School of Excellence
Ways to help | Amazon SmileParamount Schools of Excellence can benefit from every purchase you make at Amazon.com! Next time you make a purchase, visit http://smile.amazon.com and key Paramount Schools of Excellence. Once you are logged in to your Amazon.com account, 0.5 percent of your purchases will benefit Paramount students. Learn MoreKroger Community Rewards Paramount participates in Kroger’s Community Rewards program; therefore, if you are a Kroger customer and enroll in the program the school benefits. To get started, sign up with your Plus Card and select Paramount Schools of Excellence as the organization you wish to support. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for Paramount every time you… See full description |
How you help | Paramount has a turn-key program for company community engagement activities. Paramount’s agro-ecology staff are experienced at coordinating a day of service that is meaningful and fun. Plus, volunteer opportunities exist for individuals to help support the Farm, assist in classroom, or work at the TURN Festival. |
About us | The Paramount Schools use an integrated research-based curriculum to maximize each child’s potential against measurable standards. Every student has academic performance goals with the expectation of improvement in each content area. |
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