To eliminate diaper need in our community by providing a reliable and adequate source of basic baby diapering essentials.
The Milk Bank promotes public health by expanding the safe use of human milk for all babies, especially premature and ill infants. Access to safe, pasteurized donor human milk (PDHM) is critical in the fight against infant mortality.
Our mission is to support development of the mind, body and spirit of individuals desiring recovery. By creating a community committed to love, support, equality, and inclusion, we will provide an environment that will support recovery.
The Carmel Swim Club was established in 1973 with the mission, “teaching excellence through swimming, for life.”
To train service dogs to help sexual assault survivors return to normalcy and create a team that leads to healing for the survivor
To empower victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to become self-sufficient by providing safety, education and support
To improve the health of our patients and community through innovation, and excellence in care, education, research and service.
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
To improve lives with compassionate health care and support services, regardless of ability to pay.
The mission of Hendricks Regional Health Foundation is to raise funds from grateful patients and their families, corporate and foundation contributors, physicians, nurses and staff, and from the community to benefit Hendricks Regional Health and those it serves.